In case you are curious ...

Mutiny Bay Publishing started as a name. I found the name interesting and maybe mysterious. Plus, I live somewhere across from Mutiny Bay in Washington state (US). So I got the domain name, built a quick 'Coming Soon' page, and let the site percolate a bit while I figured out what to do with it.

In my spare time - and sometimes as a way to procrastinate writing books (yes, I write books)- I played around with some graphics, eventually coming up with the ones on the site. I liked the look of the graphics. But the site didn't "do" anything else.

Then I decide to publish a few joke books with "Mutiny Bay Publishing" as the publisher's name. I do have an author site ( that I use, but wanted to add the two joke books a bit separately from my main author site.

The plan - as it exists now - is to use the Mutiny Bay Publishing site for more books, with my main author name, or with a 'pen' name. And to add other's book on a selective basis. That's still in progress, but now i have a 'home' for all of the books, no matter who the author is - even if it is me.

Eventually, this site will contain more books. Any it might get a new design as the number of books increases. They might be books that I write, or selected books from other authors.

So, this site will evolve. Not sure exactl how. But it does give me an excuse for procrastinating writing more books.

Besides, I still like the "Mutiny Bay" name.

Richard Hellewell, still somewhere opposite Mutiny Bay WA
January 2022